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Radiators from £27

Copper radiator pipe covers and sleeves

Perfect for contemporary and period properties alike, copper radiator pipe covers and sleeves make an excellent addition to your home decor. Mid-century, vintage, and modern styles will all suit the versatile feel that copper can give.

Without the need to re-run pipes or bury them in the wall to try and hide them, copper pipe covers and sleeves are one of the easiest and most affordable ways of concealing ugly radiator pipes. These covers simply slot over your pipework during installation and give a beautiful cohesive finish to any radiator installation.

Why should I install copper pipe covers?

Our range of pipe covers are designed to work with pipes of 15mm and smaller, but we also provide them in different lengths such as 130mm and 300mm to fit longer pipework. They can be cut down to any length you need without compromising on quality. The base discs help to conceal any unsightly holes in the floorboards and walls.

If you’re considering a new radiator or towel rail for your home, pick up a pair of pipe covers to be installed at the same time for the perfect finishing touch. At UK Radiators we stock a stunning range of pipe covers in a variety of different colour options, so you can find the perfect colour and finish you need. For more pipe covers in all kinds of different colours and finishes including grey, black, brass, and chrome, check out our full range of radiator pipe covers.
