Exposing the scam that is costing the UK billions
Exposing the scam that is costing the UK billions
We’re on a mission. A mission to expose lies within the radiator industry. And to let consumers in the UK know that we’re on their side.
You might think that the UK is a well-regulated market, especially when it comes to heating. And it’s true: there are plenty of rules to make sure suppliers are following standards that benefit consumers. But what happens when there’s no one there to check if those rules are being followed?
Well, that’s exactly what we took a look into in a recent documentary we made, The Lies Costing Britain £Billions. In this video, we decided to test a variety of radiators to find out if they were matching the British Standard that they claim to comply with. Without these standards, they cannot be sold, and yet through our test we saw that many, if not all, are falling drastically short of compliance. Why does this matter? To put it simply, it costs you more.
Whilst we suspected there were issues, the extent to which heat outputs were being overstated was a shocking revelation, and one that we weren’t going to be quiet about. We spoke out in the press, on podcasts and other media outlets: but has it made a difference? Watch our video below to see for yourself.