Energy Saving: What You Need to Know
Energy saving at home has become a popular topic over the last two decades. And, given the benefits it provides, it’s not difficult to figure out why. Not only can it help homeowners save money, but it can also help to protect the environment.
But, to understand ways you can increase energy efficiency at home, you need to first understand what it means to save energy, and why it is a useful endeavor. Fortunately for you, UK Radiators has the details in its energy saving guide below.
Read on to find out more about energy saving, as well as ways you can save energy at home…
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How to save energy at home
There are a number of ways you can save energy at home. Let’s explore some of them in more detail below:
Bleed your radiators
One way to maintain an energy efficient home is to bleed you radiators. Over time, air becomes trapped in your radiators, leading it to have cold spots and uneven heating. As a result, because your radiators aren’t fully warm, your central heating system has to work harder to ensure your home heats up.
Bleeding your radiators regularly helps to release trapped air from your heating system. This means that your radiator will heat up fully, and your heating system will use less energy to warm up your home.
Insulate your home
You can also save energy at home by ensuring it has proper insulation. Insulating a home is the process of adding materials that reduces the heat transfer from inside and outside of a house. This helps keep homes cool in the summer and warm in the summer, as it reduces heat loss and gain.
If your home is frequently cool despite effective heating systems, or you notice your energy bills are rising each year, it might be time to replace your insulation. Like anything, insulation degrades over time, and can be affected by mould or damp.
Make quick fixes
Another way you can save energy in your home is to make quick fixes. This includes lowering the temperature of your washing machine when you wash items, or turning off lights and appliances at the wall when they are not in use.
It might seem small, but over time these small changes can add up to big savings. Ensure everyone in your family gets the memo and adopts these energy saving habits too.
Use a thermostat
Over recent years, many homeowners have become privy to the benefits of using a thermostat at home. This tool allows you to save energy at home by optimising heating and cooling based on your needs.
For example, it allows you to you to to maintain a consistent temperature in your heating system - meaning it doesn’t have to work harder than necessary. What’s more, it allows you to schedule temperatures based on your needs - you can adjust it so your heating system is on whilst you're home, and off whilst you're away.
Why is saving energy important?
Energy saving is important for several reasons, for example:
Increases your savings over time
Energy efficient appliances do exactly what they say on the tin. They simply ensure the energy they use and generate is supplied efficiently - so they don’t waste any.
The cost of purchasing energy efficient appliances can seem pricey, but over time, you’ll notice savings each month when it comes to your energy bills. And will likely make back what you spent in the long run when it comes to the money you save.
Protects the environment
Consumers are becoming more aware of their role in global warming and climate change. As such, they are actively seeking out ways to reduce this impact. In fact, the Office of National Statistics reported that 8 in 10 adults in the UK have made some changes in their life to tackle climate issues.
And, if you’re someone who is keen to practice a more sustainable way of living, saving energy is better for the environment as it reduces demand for power generation - especially from fossil fuels. These fossil fuels produce greenhouse gases which are harmful to the environment, and significantly contribute to global warming and climate change.
Lowers energy bills
It’s pretty simple; the less energy you use, the less you will have to spend on energy consumption in your home.
When you use adopt energy saving habits, you use less electricity or gas each month - which results in lower charges.
Keep Your Radiators Running Like New With UK Radiators
At UK Radiators, it’s our mission to help you get the best from your household heating systems. To get in touch with our friendly team, give us a call on 0333 006 8227, or send your enquiry to sales@ukradiators.com.